community focussed Printmaking and Artist studio based in Sligo
Pulled is a screen print, visual art workspace and publishing studio based in Sligo.
Become a Member
We are seeking new visual artists to become members of our space and help shape the future of Pulled.

Open Access Pilot
We are currently in the process of developing an open access model for our studio and are collaborating with Bríd Festival & Sligo County Council Arts Service to offer three artists based in Sligo the opportunity to take part in a pilot programme in Feb/March 2025
Pulled Print Studio Residency
Pulled is a community focussed Printmaking and Artist studio based in Sligo Town. Our focus is creating and facilitating socially engaged art and providing workspace to visual artists and practitioners. We are currently offering two residencies for artists based in Sligo to take place in Spring and Summer 2023 in association with Sligo County Council Arts Service.
The purpose of the residency is to provide artists working and living in Sligo with space to experiment and equipment to create high quality print based work in a busy working studio and provide opportunity for collaboration and cross pollination of ideas.
Residency Dates
Residency 1: April and May
Residency 2: July and August
The residency includes:
– Up to 30 hours access to the studio
– 5 hours 1:1 Technical Assistance and Tuition
– Access to all studio equipment
– Processing, cleaning and specialist chemicals for printmaking
– Test paper and textiles
– Stock inks and medium
– €500 artist stipendThe residency does not include:
– Textile and papers for finished works
– Specialist inks

Pulled is operated by Binder Arts CLG. Binder Arts CLG is a non-profit organisation, incorporated as a company, limited by guarantee and not having a share capital.
Supported by: